Pacific Swim Team Competitive

Our head coach for swimming Mr Rickment Mok is previously under attachment with our Singapore national team head coach Mr Sergio.

Pacific Swim Team will provide the necessary trainings to improve our swimmers' skills & techniques to achieve their full potential in both Swimming & Lifesaving Competition.

Our competitive training includes the four competitive strokes: Freestyle, Backstroke, Breaststroke and Butterfly.

Our result proven programs had Transform Swimmers to Champions.

Singapore National Age Group Championship 2019

  • Fastest 12-years-old Male Butterfly

    Champion for 100M Butterfly and 200M Butterfly.

  • Top 2 12-years-old Female Butterfly

    Champion for 100M Butterfly and Runner-up for 200M Butterfly

  • Rank Top 10 for 27 events

    Achieved top 10 across various stroke and distance.

  • Zero Disqualification

    108 Events participated across Male, Female and Group category

Competitive Class Level 0

Stroke Correction Class

This is for swimmers who are looking to improve their stroke Or training to qualify for our Developmental Competitive Swim Class Minimum requirements for this class is 4 & 5 full stars & Goldstar swimmers. Trial assessment, if needed, for those who wish to join but are not our current swimmers.

Competitive Class Level 1

Developmental Competitive Swim Class

For swimmers who meet the 4 competitive strokes requirements.

Competitive Class Level 2

Competitive Swim Class

For swimmers who meet the required timings for the 4 competitive strokes.

Competitive Class Level 3

SNAG & School National Competitive Swim Class

For swimmers who are Singapore National Age Group Swimmer or Inter School National Swimmer.

Elite Competitive Swim Class

Only for swimmers who are selected or approved.

Must be ready to commit high level of hard training.

The Four Strokes


In Freestyle events, the competitor may swim any stroke. The stroke most commonly used is sometimes called the Frontcrawl, which is characterized by the alternate stroking of the arms over the surface of the water surface and an alternating (up-and-down) flutter kick.


The Breaststroke requires simultaneous movements of the arms on the same horizontal plane. The hands are pressed out from in front of the breast and recovered under or on the surface of the water. The kick is a simultaneous somewhat circular motion similar to the action of a frog. On turns and at the finish, the swimmer must touch the wall with both hands simultaneously at, above or below the water surface.


Backstroke consists of an alternating motion of the arms with a flut¬ter kick while on the back. On turns, swimmers may rotate to the stomach and perform a flip turn and some part of the swimmer must touch the wall. The swimmer must finish on the back.


Some consider the Butterfly to be the most beautiful of the strokes. It features a simultaneous recovery of the arms over the water combined with an undulating dolphin kick. In the kick, the swimmer must keep both legs together and may not flutter, scissors or use the breaststroke kick. Both hands must touch the wall simultaneously on the turns and the finish.

Be part of Pacific Swim Team!!! Call Us Now 9856 8280 to Join Our Competitive Swimming & Lifesaving Class!!!